The Phoenix Grid Phoenix
Brockway Law Office

Brockway Law Office


3 Reviews


  • Brockway Law Office
  • Brockway Law Office



She saved her life even though she got Deb with her legal shield. Dave discussed her charges in advance, was the most appropriate of the divorce lawyers, and continued my divorce proceedings for over a year. Throughout the process, she was very good at talking and caring, more than attending public hearings in four or five trials. She was extremely thorough, disappointing, and did not promise any results, but informed how the court had ruled the court in the past and revealed that there was always no guarantee of concrete results. Deb also prepared me for the court's views on my custody cases and the cases which it has pronounced for systemic protection. This was great because I was ready to have the practical possibility of not being able to get a complete body, whether right or wrong, and because I helped him to accept the reality of the court's judgment. The court ruled 50 to 50, thanked for having had a realistic conversation in advance, and was ready in advance. Deb also prepared what my former lawyer was fighting for, presented options, explained what they could get, and explained why. I always knew that Deb was fighting for me and for my daughter. It's very frustrating when Deb talks too much with me and says there's no guarantee, sometimes I ask for a special answer, but she's always honest, so the other reviews don't make sense to me. Thank you, debo! I couldn't make it through this without you.


Through the legal shield...The Debra Brockaway requested 6k and promised to bring back the & child to the front. I paid her, but she did nothing at all. When I confronted her, she threatened me and said that I might lose them and be put in prison if I don't continue to serve her. This is above the $6,000 I paid in advance. I fired her and she kept sending emails to her mobile after the email. Her behavior seemed a little psychotic.  Ati's sad excuse made the bad situation worse. Don't hire this woman...She is a chef. this  The law firm deserved zero for the size of the review. I have all the papers I claim here. Do not hold a Blockaway law firm.


Blockway lawyers can hire the worst lawyer. She can't find time to get money first and then work on your case. It is a waste of hard-earned money. In fact, she was so bad at work that I didn't even have the chance to meet her. She will call  I was rude when she was driving. Go somewhere or do it yourself. She is a disaster.


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